
Our Eczema, Allergy and Asthma Journey

Skin Microbiome – what is it and how does it help our kids with eczema? 

Like our ‘gut microbiome’, our skin microbiome has a significant role to play in eczema. Lots of research exists on how to improve your gut health.

We have a wide variety of beneficial bacteria on our skin – both beneficial and potentially harmful. Research shows that people with eczema have higher concentrations of a potentially harmful bacteria called STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS which can contribute to those flare ups. 

Here more in the video below on what it is and how you can improve your skin microbiome for healing eczema. 

Probiotics for Eczema: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Buy Probiotics for Eczema

PROBIOTICS FOR ECZEMA - YAY OR NAY?Read this before you buy probiotics for eczemaMelissa RaymondWhat is the best probiotic to take for eczema?  One of the most common questions about eczema I'm asked is – What is the best probiotic to take for eczema? I love hearing...

Best probiotic for eczema

Blog Our Eczema, Allergy and Asthma JourneyWhat is the best probiotic for eczema? You MUST watch this before you buy... Have you heard of probiotics for eczema? It's an approach to improve gut health, because impaired gut health is an issue in those with eczema (and...

Easy Gut Health Icypoles for Eczema, Allergies and Asthma

Want a really easy recipe for improving gut health for eczema, allergies and asthma? Here's a perfect recipe that is both delicious, refreshing, and can help reduce symptoms of eczema, allergies and asthma by improving your gut health. How? By making your own icypoles...
Lessons Learned on Our Journey With Allergies…

Lessons Learned on Our Journey With Allergies…

Blog Our Eczema, Allergy and Asthma JourneyLessons learned along our journey with allergies Oh.... so many lessons learned along our journey with allergies and eczema. While gut health was a piece of the puzzle (read more about it HERE), there was a lot of growth and...

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