
Our Eczema, Allergy and Asthma Journey

Recipe for kid-friendly Pineapple Salsa

Ever find it a struggle to get your kids to eat fermented food? You know it’s good for their gut health, but they just seem to turn their noses up at it? Too salty… too strong a flavour… not appetizing enough. Well, here’s a wonderful recipe for a fermented pineapple salsa that will tickle their fancy AND improve their gut health.


A great way to increase the beneficial microbes in their guts and wonderful for allergies, eczema, asthma…. If you’re new to gut health, then you may want to learn more about it here (hot tip: it’s a VITAL piece of the puzzle to heal eczema, allergies and asthma). 

I stumbled upon this recipe many years ago and have tweaked it a little since. It’s a short ferment since it contains fruit – so only 6 – 12 hours on the kitchen bench before you refrigerate it.

It’s simple and requires only a few ingredients. My biggest suggestion here is to use a very ripe and sweet pineapple.  It won’t get sweeter with fermenting, and it’s so more-ish that you may regret it if your pineapple isn’t super sweet and juicy.

Avoid if you know you or your child has issues with histmine, otherwise – ENJOY! 

Oh, and if you’re looking for other wonderful and easy gut health recipes for eczema, allergies or asthma, I’m sure you’re going to love our gut friendly icy poles for those with more of a savoury taste, learn all about stocks and broths here.  

AND… if you’ve decided you’re ready to truly help your child through improving their gut health (yes, a vital piece of the eczema/allergy/asthma puzzle), then you’ll find what you’re looking for in the Happy Skin Collective for Eczema HERE.  


Now… where were we? Oh yes! Pineapple Salsa. Details are below – and you’re very welcome! 



1 ripe pineapple

1/2 red onion, finely diced

1 bunch fresh coriander, chopped finely

1/2 red capsicum, finely diced

1/2 bunch fresh dill, chopped

Salt – celtic sea salt, pickling salt or Himalayan Rock Salt. Avoid iodised salt




  1. Dice your pineapple removing all skin.
  2. Add all of the other ingredients except salt
  3. Add 1 TBLSP salt, mix in well.
  4. Pack well into jar of suitable size – use a metal spoon to push down into the corners of the jar
  5. Fill upto the shoulder of the jar, put your lid on tight, then unscrew a 1/4 turn
  6. Leave on kitchen bench for 6-12 hours, then refrigerate
  7. Enjoy as a condiment on meats, tacos, salads, or just by itself.

Let me know how you enjoy it, I’d love to hear!



1 ripe pineapple

1/2 red onion, finely diced

1 bunch fresh coriander, chopped finely

1/2 red capsicum, finely diced

1/2 bunch fresh dill, chopped

Salt – celtic sea salt, pickling salt or Himalayan Rock Salt. Avoid iodised salt




  1. Dice your pineapple removing all skin.
  2. Add all of the other ingredients except salt
  3. Add 1 TBLSP salt, mix in well.
  4. Pack well into jar of suitable size – use a metal spoon to push down into the corners of the jar
  5. Fill upto the shoulder of the jar, put your lid on tight, then unscrew a 1/4 turn
  6. Leave on kitchen bench for 6-12 hours, then refrigerate
  7. Enjoy as a condiment on meats, tacos, salads, or just by itself.

Let me know how you enjoy it, I’d love to hear!


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