“We’re absolutely THRILLED and love that we don’t have to think about eczema [for our 9 month old son] any more!”
A & D (USA) – Happy Skin Method

“We’re absolutely THRILLED and love that we don’t have to think about eczema [for our 9 month old son] any more!”
A & D (USA) – Happy Skin Method
Reduce Your Inflammation
Clear Your Symptoms
Heal Your Inflammation
Eczema | Allergies | Asthma | TSW
Clear your symptoms in
three simple steps

Nervous System
Eczema, Allergies, and Asthma are signs that there is underlying inflammation leading to symptoms.
This is caused by conscious and subconscious stress and emotions that have not been processed. This keeps the body in a ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ response which is a highly stressed and inflammatory state.
This can present as the physical symptoms we see for eczema, allergies, and asthma.
To heal the symptoms, we need to identify the root cause and clear the associated stress and emotions. When you clear the root cause, your body can start to shift into a state where it can finally heal.

Internal Health
Gut health and the nervous system are directly connected, and impaired gut health leads to symptoms and flare-ups.
Improve your / your child’s gut health by making a few simple tweaks will achieve a great reduction in symptoms when combined with addressing the root cause of inflammation.
Supporting the body’s detoxification systems is also vital to allow the body to clear inflammation and reduce symptoms quickly.

External Factors
Our environment plays a great role in our health, and so
When you feel supported, you gain the confidence to help your child.
Surround yourself with a Team to guide you on how to soothe your child’s skin without the overwhelm and stress of what to do next.
The Programs
$97 USD
Nourish & Heal Inflammation Bundle
This is perfect for adults and kids with eczema, allergies, asthma and TSW.
Cut through the overwhelm and straight into simple strategies to reduce the inflammation that’s driving your symptoms.

The Happy Skin Method
This 16-Week Private Program provides you with the highest level support and solutions. This is for you if you’re ready to go all in and get to the bottom of why you have eczema.
Experience personal private support, with me identifying your root causes and coming up with a customised tailored plan for you. I’ll walk you through it step by step and overcome any obstacles with you along the way, so you never feel alone. I’m in your back pocket for questions anytime you need during the 4 months.
Includes: Weekly video calls to clear the root causes of inflammation for overcoming symptoms
Dr Melissa On-Call via Voice Messaging (Mon-Fri)
Limited places available.
Client Results

Meet your Eczema Coach,
Dr Melissa Raymond, PhD

Supporting Mums in Transforming Their Children’s Skin and Lives.
As a dedicated and determined mum who witnessed my own child struggle with eczema, allergies, and asthma, I understand the frustration and overwhelming challenges that parents also face.
With a PhD in health research and 20 years in the healthcare system as a physiotherapist, my passion as a certified health coach is to help other parents confidently take back control of their child’s skin.
Driven by my personal journey, I’ve gathered over a decade of insights to empower you with effective options that go beyond the limitations of the traditional, old and outdated approach to eczema.
If you’re here because you’re ready for proven strategies that work to reduce inflammation and reduce symptoms so you can get on with living your life!

The EMF Course

Ever wondered if your child’s i-pad or your phone use is contributing to health issues? With Expert Building Biologist Bronwyn Bennett from Creating Healthy Spaces, this On-Demand Series takes you through what ElectroMagnetic Frequencies are, how they contribute to health issues, and most importantly, gives you strategies on how to reduce your exposure to optimise your health without the overwhelm.