Happy Skin Challenge - Day One REPLAY
Book Your Complimentary Eczema Call: Ready to break the eczema cycle? Get clear on what the next best steps are for you with booking a complimentary call with Dr Melissa HERE.
Ready to Get Started NOW? Access dozens of eczema strategies in the Happy Skin Collective for Eczema – with a BONUS 1:1 Quantum Healing Session with Dr Melissa HERE.
Can you really reduce those symptoms without relying on medications and creams?
Can we (as non-health professionals), take back control of ours and our children’s health?
Can we really break the eczema cycle?
I’ve seen it time and time again with my clients, and it always brings me (and them) GREAT JOY!
There are 3 key approaches to eczema, and they’re ALL crucial to assist the body in healing.
It’s the framework I use with all of my clients in the Happy Skin Method and it’s so effective.
So, why do people think that it can’t be done?
Well, firstly – it’s not your fault if you think it can’t.
Because that’s what we’re told when we see (most) health professionals – and we’re only given prescriptions and little other choice.
Sometimes we feel like we’re laughed at, ignored, or gas-lighted when we ask about other options.
They have you convinced there’s no other way.
No link between eczema and food.
Recurrent ear infections/viruses/chest infections/eczema flare-ups are “normal”.
GENETICS is the only reason for the diagnosis.
They might just “Grow out of it as an adult”.
And there’s so much research to prove it.
However, I won’t go on and on about it, BUT, if you’re serious about changing your child’s life (and your own!) and how you can reduce those symptoms without the “Dr Aron Regime”, going “carnivore” or going on a strict elimination diet, then I’m here for you.
In Day One’s session above, I’ll walk you through the key pillars to breaking the eczema cycle, so you can get started taking positive steps towards healthier skin TODAY!